Virginia Floodplain Management Association

-Dedicated to expanding the application of proactive floodplain management in the Commonwealth of Virginia-

Events and Training

VFMA Events

The Virginia Floodplain Management Association (VFMA) hosts an annual conference, which provides an opportunity to attend presentations and network with other professionals. Click here for more information on the Annual Conference.

VFMA also hosts periodic workshops in different regions of Virginia. These workshops are usually a one-day events focusing on regional flood-related issues. Click here for more information on the Fall Workshops.

Additional Training Resources

There are several training opportunities throughout Virginia, both in-person or web-based, related to current topics in floodplain management.

To find floodplain related trainings, check out the following websites:

This calendar includes in-person trainings located in Virginia and several web-based trainings. When available, in-person trainings offered in neighboring states are also posted on this calendar.

This calendar includes trainings related to flooding, both in-person and web-based, from all over the country.

EMI offers multiple courses related to floodplain management at their Emmitsburg, MD campus. Information on relevant courses may be found in their Course Catalog, and information on course offerings is available in their Course Schedule.

Ward’s Flood Model

VFMA owns a Ward’s Flood Model that can be used by members to demonstrate the effects of floodplain. The Flood Model has been used across the state at various outreach and school events to educate adults and children on floodplain management. Learn more here.

Upcoming events

No events available.

Virginia Floodplain Management Association is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 1726

Richmond, VA, 23218

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